আমার পঠিত ব্লগ সমুহ

শুক্রবার, ১০ নভেম্বর, ২০১৭

How to print duplicate rows in a table?

Let us consider below table.
In the above table, we can find duplicate row using below query.
SELECT name, section FROM tbl
GROUP BY name, section
Another Example: 
Given a table named PERSON task is to write an SQL query to find all duplicate name in the table.
Example :
| Id | NAME    |
| 1  | Geeks   |
| 2  | for     |
| 3  | Geeks   |

Output :
| NAME    |
| Geeks   |
The simple approach is to make a temporary table which have count of all the names in a table.
Duplicated NAME existed more than one time, so to count the times each NAME exists, we can use the following code:
select NAME, count(NAME) as num
from Person
group by NAME;
| NAME    | num |
| Geeks   | 2   |
| for     | 1   |
This is a temporary table, on which we can run the below code to get duplicate NAME.
select NAME from
  select NAME, count(NAME) as num
  from Person
  group by NAME
) as statistic
where num > 1;
The Best approach is to use GROUP BY and HAVING condition. It is more effective and faster then previous.
MySql :
select NAME
from Person
group by NAME
having count(NAME) > 1;

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